Did You know that some conventional lenders may CONSIDER a Borrower who has been self-employed for LESS than 2 years?

There are circumstances when a self employed Borrower may be considered stable in their field with only ONE FULL year of tax returns and in business. Below are some examples:

  • Attorney working for a law firm opens their own law firm.
  • Doctor working for a hospital or medical group opens their own practice.
  • A licensed electrician working for a local union opens their own business.
  • Each example above considers the Borrower’s experience in that field.
  • Borrower has a 2 year history of similar income level in a similar occupation.
  • Year to date financial statements AND/OR 3 months of recent bank statements are required to further strengthen the loan profile.

If you’re self-employed and always to inquire about how to obtain financing, contact our office and we’ll connect you with a loan consultant who can structure a loan for favorable financing.

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